The only constant thing in this world is change. Time will Change. People will change. Nothing is permanent.
Throughout your life you will meet people – Some will become your friends along the way and some will be acquaintances. Sometimes your acquaintances will become your close friends and sometimes your best friends will become your acquaintances.
This is the law of science and nature. People changes all the time and you have to understand it. Do not lose your peace over things that you can’t change.
You can not ask people to stay in your life. Those who are meant to be will stay in your life nonetheless.
I had a huge list of people whom I could trust blindly but over the years the list went thinner.
Beware of those so-called friends who are with you just because they get benefits from you. Such chameleons will leave you alone in your darkest times.
You will have ups and downs in your life – Do not hang onto friends who are there only when you are going up and Do not leave friends who stand by your side in your failures.